(Need more people!) The world is falling. Again. And this time, the Kyuun are more powerful, so the gods of Airl must teach 11 lucky humans the paths of the gods, in hopes to save this world again. (Not a remake or part two of any roleplay.)
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.Seeing as I was unable to add all the information I wanted to the Introduction I'll be adding the rest here.
Known Kyuun:
Umbra Desulter (Shadow Jumper aka: Shadow Walker)(A bit hard):
Very dangerous indeed, they can jump up to 70 meters away and about 20 meters high, they are also tall fellows around twelve feet tall these 'Shadow Walkers' appear humanoid except their knees and elbows bend backwards from that of a human's, they have rather long (one foot long) claws, gaping jaws of sharp teeth, and they're covered with pitch black scales. They are also impervious to fire but water burns away at them like they're made of salt.
Osseus Bellator (Skeleton Warrior)(Easy):
These guys vary weaponwise. You can see these with bows, swords, staffs, et cetra. They're just like normal humans but they fall apart easier and can't use magic. They are influence by evil so they also have no feelings and no mind except to kill the Eyes. They don't care for killing other humans.
Somnum Exterreri Solebat (Nightmare)(Fire version)(Medium):

Not much is known about fire Nightmares. They try to trample people, and they can be tamed by the Eye of Vulcan. Others can't touch it without a fire protection sheild.
Somnum Exterreri Solebat (Nightmare)(Shadow version)(Medium):

Not much is known about shadow Nightmares. They try to trample people, and they can be tamed by the Eyes of Cryptis and Endis. The light hurts them and they mostly appear at night, or in dark buildings like hangars of other large dark buildings.
NethanielShade - Member for 0 years
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